How to Get Handcrafted Beautiful Solid Wood Interior Doors?

Interior doors are an important design element, but many homeowners overlook them. Don’t make this mistake. If you’re not happy with the builder-grade panel or flush door that comes with your house, invest in wood interior doors instead. After all, doors are some of the most visible design factors in your home. They also provide privacy and security while buffering noise and separating spaces. You want doors that are built to last and can stand up to daily use.

There’s nothing like wood interior doors to add warmth and elegance to a living space. They key thing to remember when shopping for one is to ensure that you are buying or custom ordering a door that is made of solid wood—not laminated or engineered. The best craftsmen use real solid wood stile and rail construction, so you are assured of the best quality. Stay away from manufacturers that market their products as ‘solid wood panel’ and use laminated or engineered stile and rail construction. These are lower quality doors; you might see the thin veneer delaminating in just a short amount of time.

True wood interior doors are made using select premium-grade kiln-dried hardwoods. A good manufacturer will offer plenty of choices, including poplar, red oak, maple, pine, ash, white oak, mahogany, Spanish cedar, cherry, and Douglas fir, to name a few.

It’s also best to order wood interior doors that are handcrafted in the USA by true American artisans. They take time to select the best pieces of the kiln dried, rough sawn, real solid wood of your choice. They then mill each component with accuracy to construct your custom door. Once done, they partner with the best delivery companies that will them safely ship your order to you. You can be sure that you are buying a real solid wood door that will last for generations.


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